The competition in our business is more than high. Even in a crisis, people want to eat, which means restaurants will open. There are so many restaurants and cafes that they occupy an entire street. Cafe, pie shop, steak bar, restaurant, all on the same street. How to stand out and make your establishment known?

1. Bet on a signature dish.
Customers go for something tasty and pretty. And if your establishment does not have a signature dish, it should appear. A large-scale spectacular dish or, on the contrary, a modest dessert with a stunning name. The signature dish must be presented in advertising, on social networks, and illustrated in the menu. Out of curiosity, customers will reach out for “that same dish.” +1 to our piggy bank. So, for example, in Lviv in one famous cafe the names of the dishes are Slave of Passions, Cheese Guillotine. Out of curiosity I want to look at them.

2. Atmosphere.
We often hear from our friends: “Atmospheric establishment, atmospheric, enchanting.” Clients come for the holiday atmosphere, to relax and get a positive attitude. The atmosphere is the music, the delicious smells, the friendly administrator, the polite staff, the interior. Everyone knows that Egypt has towels in the shape of swans, Thailand has exotic flowers on the bed, and how are hotels in Ukraine different? Perhaps your establishment will be the founder of the Ukrainian must-have of all restaurants, for example, poppy flowers in a hotel room. Atmosphere is everything that we can feel or see. Find your style.

3. Be proud! We play on vices.
And again the Internet, again social networks. Don't neglect this way to attract clients. The Internet is the easiest place to make advertisements, videos of events, photo reports, competitions, giveaways. It is through the Internet that we learn about new and unusual restaurants in the world: for example, a famous cafe in which there are toilets instead of chairs. Surely you have something to show! Brag! This is why we need Instagram, posturing, we play on vices.

4. Charity is fashionable and pleasant!
Charity is an integral part of any business, but it rarely has something in common with the restaurant business, but in vain. Charity is an additional means of attracting clients. So in the famous Kharkov cafe "Paris" part of the profit goes to help homeless animals, and a cat lives in the cafe. Join the charity, so you will kill two birds with one stone: you will earn a positive image, interest and attract attention. As a rule, the public who loves animals is more generous than girls taking selfies in the toilet.